WPF: This release includes a new update prompt window that shows release notes for you.Chinese domains, as well as non-Chinese companies' Chinese CDNs, are connected to directly. When in blacklist mode, only non-Chinese domains goes through the proxy.When in whitelist mode, Chinese domains, including non-Chinese companies' Chinese CDNs, are connected to directly.geositeDirectGroups is initialized with cn and geositeProxiedGroups is initialized with geolocation-!cn.Domain groups: geositeDirectGroups and geositeProxiedGroups.Unmatched domains are connected to directly.

Exception rules are generated from geositeDirectGroups. Blocking rules are generated from geositeProxiedGroups.
Separate QR code scanning from MenuViewController ( #2995).The QR code scanning logic has been separated from MenuViewController. Cleanup: The poorly maintained statistics strategy, along with its long broken GUI, has been removed.

Checking pre-release checks in the menu would work on the current run now.Update checks on program startup no longer produces a pop-up.PAC: We have fixed the issue where certain rules unexpectedly matched more domains than it's supposed to match ( #2998).If you encounter any issues, please refer to.Remove duplicate startup entries ( #3012).PAC: direct connection for private IP ranges by ( #3008).SIP003: we have fixed a regression introduced in that might cause plugins to stop working ( #3013).Auto Startup: new mechanisms have been introduced to eliminate and prevent duplicate startup registry entries ( #3011).PAC: private hostnames and IP ranges are now connected to directly by default ( #3002).